
a couple of造句

a couple of造句

1、She had written him a notea couple of weeks earlier.(两周前她曾给他写过一张便条。)

2、It only lasteda couple of years, as far as I know.(据我所知,它仅维持了几年。)

3、He dashed offa couple of novels.(他匆匆地完成了几本小说。)

4、Home fora couple of years was a studio apartment.(几年来的家就是一个单间公寓。)

5、I used to smoke, but I gave upa couple of years ago.(我以前抽烟,但几年前就戒掉了。)

6、The builder hasa couple of jobs on at the moment.(目前这家建筑商有几项工程在进行。)

7、She already hasa couple of good wins under her belt.(她已将几项冠军收入囊中。)

8、I did noticea couple of unconsidered aspects.(我的确注意到了几个被忽视的方面。)

9、We went therea couple of years ago.(我们几年前去过那里。)

10、The square was empty but fora couple of cabs.(除了几辆出租汽车外,广场上空空如也。)

11、a couple of teenagers were kissing and cuddling on the doorstep.(一对年轻人在门阶上亲吻拥抱。)

12、I think the trouble will clear up ina couple of days.(我想几天内麻烦就会消除。)

13、He gavea couple of loud rings on the doorbell.(他使劲地按了几下门铃。)

14、I've come to crash on your floor fora couple of nights.(我来你家打几个晚上的地铺。)

15、They've gone down to Brighton fora couple of days.(他们已南下到布赖顿去待几天。)

16、The company has bankrolleda couple of local movies.(这家公司已经为几部地方电影提供了资金。)

17、a couple of inches of dry, powdery snow had fallen.(降下了好几英寸厚的粉状干雪。)

18、He wasa couple of months overage for the youth team.(他比青年组的年龄大了几个月。)

19、She tooka couple of bites of the sandwich.(她咬了两口三明治。)

20、I sawa couple of men get out.(我看见有两个男人出去了。)

21、There'sa couple of dresses to be pressed.(有几条连衣裙要熨。)

22、I've seen hera couple of times before.(我以前见过她几次。)

23、We perched ona couple of high stools at the bar.(我们坐在酒吧的几个高脚凳上。)

24、She dived into her bag and took outa couple of coins.(她立即将手伸进包里拿出几枚硬币。)

25、a couple of fuzzy pictures have been published.(几张模糊的图片已被刊印。)

26、She sold mea couple of live lobsters.(她卖给了我几只活龙虾。)

27、I managed to graba couple of hours' sleep on the plane.(我在飞机上抓紧时间睡了两个钟头。)

28、Deer hunting season is onlya couple of weeks long.(猎鹿季节只有几个星期长。)

29、They exchanged banalities fora couple of minutes.(他们彼此客套了几分钟。)

30、a couple of messages had mysteriously disappeared.(几条信息已经神秘地消失了。)

a couple of 基本释义

a couple of

英 [ə ˈkʌpl ɔv] 美 [e ˈkʌpəl ʌv] 

两个, 几个