
dream up造句

dream up造句

1、Trust you todream up a script in which the hero gets shot in the first act.(拜托你想一个新剧本,其中男主角在第一幕就被枪击。)

2、Whatever you candream up, you can make possible on the World Wide Web.(不管你有没有梦想,在万维网上,一切皆有可能。)

3、She can alwaysdream up some reason for not doing anything unpleasant.(为了不去做不高兴的事,她总能编造出某种原因。)

4、When financiersdream up new products, he wrote, they have an incentive to downplay the risks and use them to generate short-term profits -- as well as big bonuses.(他写道,当金融家空想出新产品时,他们有理由淡化风险,并利用它们产生短期利润及巨额奖金。)

5、Success belongs to those on the cutting edge, who candream up ideas and solutions and make things happen.(成功属于那些站在前沿的人,他们能够想出点子和解决方案,并实现它们。)

6、Now can someone please tell that to the masochists whodream up mobile phone tariffs?(现在有人可以把这告诉那些成天妄想免费用手机的受虐狂?)

7、To explain why, let'sdream up a science-fiction transportation system.(为了解释原因,我们设想科幻小说中的交通系统。)

8、Pity carmakers, for example, who are compelled todream up new names for their many models.(可怜的汽车商们就是一个例子,他们不得不绞尽脑汁为各种新车型取名字。)

9、Many application forms require people todream up the situations in which they showed exceptional leadership skills, which are further invitations to take boasting to the limit.(许多申请表要求人们想象一种他们能够表现杰出领导技能的场景,这进一步促使大家极尽所能地吹嘘。)

10、Now they alsodream up and orchestrate live events, web launches and the like.(现在他们还谋划、安排现场活动和网络发布等。)

11、We’ve all chuckled over how only Germans coulddream up Schadenfreude and how the English can’t say bon appetit because their cooking is so bad.(当我们一想到为什么只有德国人创造出“Schadenfreude”(译注:幸灾乐祸)这个词时,就会变得乐不可支,而英国人因为烹饪技术太差所以不会说“bonappetit”(译注:好胃口)。)

12、Whether or not that claim was true, the institute secured a reputation as the place todream up new ways to wage wars and keep enemies at bay.(不管那些话是真是假,那家研究院总算是守住了跟它那个提出作战与制敌新思路地位相符的名分。)

13、IT WAS an ending happier than any Hollywood director would dare todream up.(结局如此完满,可能超出任何好莱坞导演的想象。)

14、Google will wire the chosen towns with high-speed fiber lines and invite developers todream up applications to harness them.(Google将把这些城市用高速光纤网络连接起来,并且邀请开发者们利用它们去实现梦想的应用。)

15、How can youdream up a crazy scheme like this?(你怎么能想出这样一个奇怪的计划呢?)

16、It wasn't long ago we listened to the whir of a dot-matrix printer spitting out documents from our computers, now a 3D printer renders any object we candream up the same way.(事实上,能让我们的电脑打印纸质文档,还是不久之前才发明出来的,而现在3D打印机又以同样的方式,使我们梦想的各种物体都能呈现在我们眼前。)

17、The Gates Foundation has given out eight grants (here's the list as a PDF) to universities that are trying todream up a toilet 2.0.(盖茨基金会已经分发了8个补助金(这里有具体的名单),给正在尝试设计便桶2.0的大学。)

18、On most projects, the ability for people todream up new requirements easily outstrips the ability for any team to deliver them within the time and budget allotted.(对大多数项目来说,人们构思出新需求的能力很容易超过任何团队能够在时间以及预算配额内发布他们的能力。)

19、They must have a full - time staff todream up all this gobbledygook.(他们当时一定是有一个专门炮制这类官样文章的人员班底。)

20、If youdream up a cool new tool, your only way to make money is to generate as many impressions as possible for advertisers.(如果你设计了一件非常酷的新工具,你唯一赚钱的方法就是给广告商留下更多的印象。)

21、Use the incredible power of your imagination. You candream up new possibilities for your beautiful life and then take inspired action to create them.(发挥你不可思议的想象力。你可以为你的美好生活构思新的可能性,然后采取积极行动来创造他们。)

22、This is because mendream up the perfect woman, a bias that spurs them to give chase.(这是因为男人凭空想出完美女人的形象,这种偏见刺激男人进行追求。)

23、This helps themdream up ideas that work across all types of media, rather than devising separate campaigns for each one.(这种方式帮助他们集思广益,设计出适用于各个媒体的创意,而不是为每一种媒体分别设计广告。)

24、I had to give mydream up.(我不得不放弃我的梦想。)

25、The more generous the prime minister's praise of the City bankers, the more eager they were todream up more and more sophisticated products.(首相越是慷慨地赞扬那些金融城的银行家们,他们就越发急切地虚构出越来越多的令人费解的产品。)

26、In other words, don't wait for your company to give you the green light todream up new ideas — just do it.(换句话说,不要等到公司为你开“允许为新点子异想天开”的绿灯后才这样做,现在就去异想天开。)

27、He coulddream up the most fantastic rumors.(他能想出最怪诞的谣言。)

28、I wonder what excuse they willdream up tomorrow.(我寻思他们明天会想出什么借口。)

dream up 基本释义

dream up

英 [dri:m ʌp] 美 [drim ʌp] 
