
have a look at造句

have a look at造句

1、Let's have a look at the TV guide and see what's on.(咱们看看电视节目单上有什么节目。)

2、Let's have a look at them!(让我们看看他们吧!)

3、Let's pull back the curtain and have a look at all this supposed complexity.(让我们拉开帷幕,看看所有这些设想中的复杂性。)

4、Have a look at what happens.(让我们来看看发生了什么。)

5、Let's have a look at some sample future usage scenarios.(让我们看看一些未来使用情境的示例。)

6、Can I have a look at the new book?(我能看看那本新书吗?)

7、I'd love to have a look at how you use it.(我会很高兴看到您是如何使用它的。)

8、Can I have a look at that?(我能看看那个东西吗?)

9、Now have a look at the changes in the portal configuration.(现在查看一下门户配置中的更改。)

10、Shall we now have a look at the projects that different researchers and organisations are working on?(我们现在来看看不同的研究人员和组织正在进行的项目吧?)

11、First, have a look at the desktop browser experience in Figure 5.(先来看看这个桌面浏览器体验,如图5所示。)

12、Let's have a look at some of these mandatory titles.(让我们来看一看一些命令式的标题。)

13、If you've done with that magazine, can I have a look at it?(如果你已看完那本杂志,给我看看行吗?)

14、So, let's have a look at this.(所以,让我们来看看这个。)

15、Let's have a look at these teenage inventions that might change the world.(让我们来看看这些可能改变世界的青少年发明。)

16、Let me have a look at the weather report.(让我看一下天气预报。)

17、Let us have a look at the other side of it.(让我们再看一看它的另一面。)

18、I don't suppose (that) I could have a look at your newspaper, could I?(我能不能看看您的报纸?)

19、So let's have a look at this structure.(那么让我们来看看内部结构吧。)

20、Let's have a look at the leg.(让我看看这条腿。)

21、Have a look at your sink after you brush your teeth or shave.(在刷牙或刮胡子之后,看看您家的水槽。)

22、Could I have a look at the red dress?(我可以看看那件红色的连衣裙吗?)

23、Let's have a look at this beautiful action.(现在,让我们一起欣赏一下这场美丽的盛会吧。)

24、This may sound abstract, so let's have a look at an actual example.(这些可能听起来很抽象,那么让我们看一个实际的例子。)

25、"Can I come and have a look at your house?"—"Yes, by all means."(“我能过来看看你的房子吗?”—“可以,当然可以。”)

26、I insisted that we should have a look at every car.(我坚持我们应该把每辆车都看一看。)

27、Just have a look at TV news anchor people.(只要看看那些电视新闻主播便知。)

have a look at 基本释义

have a look (at)